

I embrace the cold winter blue, as it creeps through mine beaten mind. The stars, so surreal and cruel all at the same time, sustaining light. Their dazzling beauty frowns upon the grounds, it must be in kind. The fields of mine thoughts art tainted by enthralling, bitter blight. Wait as I do, thee never halts thy journey of horrors timed. The moon is disgraced, mauled by shadow on this day of no moon. Still, it refuses to still the waters, as they flood mine bay. Judgement of the fauna has begun, I won't be worthy soon. Embrace the cold finality, needn't mine heart have to say. Watch, for the crested colours of dawn shall bring the call of thy loon.

  • Published February 19, 2020, 18:42
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Poetrie
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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