Rigid - Dossier


Rigid are one of the few Humanoid Mutants to retain some semblance of human intelligence and make up 40% of all intelligent life of earth, with the record populations of rigid numbering in the billions. While carnivorous, these creatures tend to livestock, teach, tend to the wounded, practice culture, and wage war. Leadership - Icicle the First - Died of old age Icicle the Second - Died from an infected wound Icicle the Third - Died abruptly, tumor Icicle the Forth - Killed in combat Hurricane the Manic - died of old age Hurricane the second - Died of old age Hurricane the third - Kill in combat by the second born son. Hurricane the fifth - current king, as far as the timeline goes.

  • Published October 17, 2020, 01:34
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Dossiers
  • is not continuable by others
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