I wish I can say this to my fam.

By Virus

First my mom... Why did you leave me when I was four when I really need you. You ruined your life, now because of what you did you'll never be the same. Drugs Hurt you mom... I see that in many people but another thing mom why is it always about what you want and when i told you i wanted to kill myself and you saw my cuts why did you say stop because it'll make you bad. What about me? You never mentioned me. You didnt even help me. Mom Please Listen to me... Please stop forgetting me. Why did you let them abuse me? When I was little I didnt know but now I know more things and I see how it broke the little me I cant forgive you. Now my sister. Your real unfair like mom. Dont ask for my opionon and then wont let me change it and in the middle of the night dont yell at me for what I barley dont. You knew I dont feel good. Dont doubt me more and more till I doubt myself every moment. Dont say I cant get away... Thats all I have to say...

  • Published May 15, 2020, 14:46
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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