Market for Bionicle.exe

I am presently performing cleanup to free space on Drawn. I will also be making some changes to very large animations and hopefully not messing them up.

What is the Market?

The market is the place where certain animators can sell their artwork for Koin, Drawn's in-site currency.

You can use the market to earn Koin, or to reward the artists you love by purchasing high-resolution downloads (and more to come!) of their artwork!

The Rules

  • Only users with a rank of Sushi can add artwork to the marketplace. If you are below the rank of Sushi and a moderator places your artwork in a better location than Kiddie Pool, you will be permitted to sell that artwork in the market.
  • Artists may only put a maximum of three (3) animations into the market per day.
  • All sales final, unless there's some sort of technical issue preventing you from getting your purchase.
  • The artist sets the price of their artwork. All Koin goes to the artist.
  • You need an account and to be logged in to actually buy any artwork.