i left because of the venting. i left because i thought i was annoying. i left because of people with different views and beliefs.
Someone i know in real life notified me of my account's notifs and now i feel so, so fucking guilty.
i broke a promise. that promise was to not look back. and here i am. i came crawling right back to this site.
now for more apologies.
im sorry, clayton, for doubting your site one time and begging to be banned.
im sorry, sugrkube and nightblade, for leaving. i enjoy your company so much.
im sorry, people who won my contest. im sorry for not doing your prizes.
im sorry, anontiger, for not completing your request.
im sorry, fermi, for having debates with you and hating on you that one time.
im sorry, sandybeepis, for not listening to your advice. i ignored everything you said to me.
im sorry to my followers for saying that i quit drawn because of my narcissism and getting depressed over people's vents.
i feel so fucking horrible. yes. i feel hateful and incomplete. i felt welcomed on this site. (despite the fact i joined the day of the flipanim raid)
so you know what? im back. again. i only follow one person. im not saying who, obviously. have fun guessing.
im not checking outside of my notices. i dont want to see vents and suicide notes. it makes me feel worse than it should. i CARE about you people. thats why your vents make me depressed.
that sounds so fucking cheezy but who cares anymore
so yeah. im back, i guess. i dont want to be back but i feel so guilty for leaving. i dont know anymore. i cry everytime i think of the users here. i dont want to be seperated from you people.
this is so stupid. all of it. feelings and whatnot.
so yeah im back i suppose.
I just
Im so sorry
Im sorry
Im sorry for leaving
@FreezingFlames im doing it just been stuck on creative textFreezingFlames
@FreezingFlames not dead im working on it will publish tomorrow just figuring out some stuffFreezingFlames
@TheMaineAnimator kkTheMaineAnimator
@FreezingFlames collabs not dead just had an issueFreezingFlames
@Butter noButter
@TheMaineAnimator will be done tomorrowTheMaineAnimator
@FreezingFlames mhmFreezingFlames
@TheMaineAnimator ying yangTheMaineAnimator
@FreezingFlames i have an oc kinda like that called yangFreezingFlames
@TheMaineAnimatorCombo master
Master of all fighting styles
time manipulation to an extent
Versatility in combat
Creativity in attack
Precision and accuracy
Control over timing and rhythm
Coordination and balance
Intuition and improvisation
Strategic thinking
Increase strength
reflecting attacks
Projectile punches
speed increase
Immunity to side effects
Fast reflexes
Can walk on any surface
Power absorption
Ability copy to an extent
inf stamina
enhanced senses
everything keeps going up 10 fold the more he's damaged
Potential is inf
High Iq