light blue-green: Unclaimed land
Light blue: Unclaimed sea.
Red-pink: The Fog.
Lime: Drawn Country
Green: Forest
White: Voidlands
Black: Power district
Purple: Drawn Kingdom
Cyan: Drawn City
Orange: Clayton's Castle.
Note: This isn't final, and is subject to change in the future.
suRE @Smal_Radishessonia
can you make it continuable by others?bee
ohi ThouGHT IT WasN"T wonDERFUL
yknow if I could type for once that would be great and this is amazingBuffedDoggo!!
@peteypop understandablE lmfaomarcelohno
It fANTASTICmarcelohno
Im deceased this isn’t wonderfulBuffedDoggo!!
i love how i lose my shirt midway thru the conversation