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Question: Should I post this story and make chapters? Explanation: I can slightly control my dreams, well, only my character and make a few choices. Sometimes I may have a dream that continues each night, think of it as a game with chapters, that's kinda like my dreams. I have been having another one that continues like a game for the last 2 times I've fell asleep and I think they're interesting. Each day I will post it once I wake up, and if I don't have one I will wait for 2 days and if I still haven't had one I will continue it without my dreams, but if the dreams come back then I'll change it to the real thing. I think the dreams are rather interesting so I thought maybe others may too and I kinda wanted to share so... Just comment if you wanna see it. Oh! Also, each chapter I will be the first commenter, (in other words please don't comment til this is posted in the comments or description) I will sum up everything simply, just if it helps and the person fully understands I guess.

  • Published December 20, 2019, 13:47
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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