axosona contest!! (closed)


this is an axosona contest! first off, you might be wondering what is an axo? well, axo is short for axolotl. its a type of sea creature! and theyre adorable as frick.
second, you may be wondering, how do i turn an animal oc (lookin at you fusion) into an axo? well, i suggest first turning it into a human and then going from there.
third, what unique designs can i make? i use inspiration from a youtuber name sir fluff. they have axosonas, and the refs could inspire you.

due to the amount of excitment i have in this contest and the amount of money i have, the prizes will be good.
there will be 3 winners, and the prizes consist of this:
various levels and amounts of trophies
various amount of likes
fanart(not gifted)

the due date for this contest is december 31, aka the end of 2019. im going to get on it when i can, meaning ill commit to the closing date. it can be pushed back for a good enough reason

dont procrastinate just do it >:)

ive wanted to do this for a while, and i hope you all have fun!

p.s. this oc is the one i use for human things, it closely resembles my real world appearance :)

  • Published Published November 24, 2019, 01:56
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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