Duchess stuffles


The duchess represents me, but is not supposed to BE me... just tellin yall OKK. So. The duchess is female, and bisexual. She does not know whether she is allowed to be so, and tries to hide it. She knows not whether queen kailey will allow it, so she just tries her best ^^ Acts strict when around those higher in rank than her, but she is truly a softie. She helps everyone who she thinks is innocent, pure, or childish in any way. she is around 23 yrs old, young for her rank. desite her high ranking, she makes friends with the maidens, gardeners, and princesses/princes. The only things she truly wants are to stay loyal to the queen, and for somebody to teach her how to sculpt, as it has always been her dream to sculpt a massive statue of her majesty of ships, in the middle of a momument designed by her. There will be adjustments to what she wants. We may see these adjustments if she develops a crush of sots hehe (Anyone in the royal court is permitted by the authority of The Duchess to suggest love interests, plot thingies, and other stuff to The Duchess's story...please message these to @Small_Radishes) hehe, there i go :)

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