back into eddsworld weeewooo this took like forever lmao I got that perfect lineart tho <3
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@hhgregg banger comment on the tord eddsworld posthhgregg
@satansassgremlin np lolsatansassgremlin
@U*s*a*h*a*n*a lmao ty !! @GreenHoodiedAnimator ty :DGreenHoodiedAnimator
@satansassgremlin banger image ⬆U*s*a*h*a*n*a
your lineart is neater than my life holy heck (·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ )satansassgremlin
@GreenHoodiedAnimator so true banger commentGreenHoodiedAnimator
told you that harpoon gun would come in handysatansassgremlin
@♠Memənt0-Möri be v e r y afraid /j♠Memənt0-Möri
oh no