old dino treehouse game??
had this one purple triseritops(cant spell rn) i think?? but my brain might be making that part up idk
it had this one artstyle, like generic cartoon game artstyle ig?, id reconize it if i saw it
i think you could customize your character but i cant remember and i dont think you saw your character much if any at all after that
2000s??, i was born in 2009 so it would be around after that
also around the time monkey quest was around i think i cant remember very well
old game i remember but cant find
help me find it
@Awkward__Artist hahAwkward__Artist
@_J_M_ I wish I only asked for giraffe town lore._J_M_
@Awkward__Artist voca.roAwkward__Artist
Talk about what you were going to talk about if no one suggested anything or about the intricate lore of Giraffe Town._J_M_
@Mcflurrydog listen to itTomatoToast