Sorry for being gone !!

By bee

hi uh i missedyall :D im relaly exited to show yall the new lore & such that i came up with but uh yea :) heres the update part:: 1 i was away cause i was on vacation!! went to gulf shores and it was a great time :D there were 2 cats there and we named them Orange Peel & Orange Zest they were great :)) nyways 2 i probably wont be very active next week either since i have band camp that lasts literally all day (8 am - 10 pm) 3 ill be trying to post mroe or at least once a day after band camp since camp is hella draining im so exited to show yall the new stuff that i have in store & if you want to know anything about my characters, feel free to ask n stuff thx again!!

  • Published July 15, 2021, 14:31
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in announcements
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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