Inky childo


before you say "aww! so cute!" be warned that she is a mean bean. She has "short person syndrome" a running joke between my parents that short people are generally sassy, angry, and defensive. Inky is short. She also happens to be a lot stronger than she seems. Call her cute, adorable, ect., she'll attack you ferociously. Inky is a Tatoo Dragon (yes I know it's 'tattoo' but in the game she's based off of the species is 'tatoo'. She is an earth type unsurprisingly but she has light-type skills, such as 'Healing Light'. When she was a hatchling she was captured and showed in an "Odd balls' show due to her green eyes, they should be brown for her species. The stress of this show stunted her growth significantly ad made her bitter and cold. One day she slaughtered the ringleader and escaped.

  • Published October 23, 2018, 11:34
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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