info on spirit chasers


I have changed the name so instead of spirit wolves they are now spirit chasers so now to get to the info So a spirit chaser is a wolf+kitsune+ghost mix They can walk through any thing if they want if they are above a lvl 3 they can throw a spirit flame ball if they are below a lvl 3 they can throw a eternal flame which burns forever but isn’t as strong as a spirit flame a lvl 5 spirit chaser can control what happens around them and can teleport short distances enless they train to go farther the way I spirit chaser is made is when a wolf and kitsune die at the same time so it is very rare to see a spirit chaser also spirit chasers cannot die even tho they are already dead death aka the grim reaper cannot take them the reason is unknown right now ( I’ll come up with a reason hopefully soon ) I think that is all for now

This animation is a continuation of:
new species
  • Published February 07, 2021, 13:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Spirit chasers
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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