By Blatzz

Ye I added more

  • Published Published May 03, 2021, 15:07
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in FNF Stuff
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 24

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@R0seKen i have pride for america, sometimes


@PhinSilver I'd say you need more american pride for it uwu
Point being, I dont think not letting in trans people in the military is transphobic


@R0seKen maybe. and really, im not "sensitive" just a lot of rage, but aint that what you need for the military?


@PhinSilver I'm talking more about the mental side of stuff, because yes if you're in pristine body shape you could probably do it, the hard part is getting through it mentally, and if there's already something technically wrong with your head, and your sensitive, you could be left with PTSD afterwards, cuz trust me, I may not be in the military, but it's way harder than rugby.


@R0seKen yeah, but like, i could do it. i have muscle and stuff. and also, sometimes, it can make you tougher. like, i played rugby, and also, i don't particularly care about trauma. cause, like, it shows up in me just forgetting everything, so like, eh, im fine with forgettinf


@PhinSilver It's still a disorder nonetheless though, and no it's not gonna make you insane rn or act irrationally, the thing is is that the military isn't for everyone. The military is rough and hard as fuck to be in, and it's especially hard on someone's mental health, or can even worsen an already existing mental disorder someone has


@R0seKen im not mentally unhealthy because of my dysphoria. It is a "disorder" but really, it is not going to make me insae, or act irrationally. it isn't for anyone.


@PhinSilver I see. I don't necessarily think that's homophobic though, being in the military isn't a right, and gender dysphoria is a confirmed disorder, so if you're mentally unhealthy, why would they let you in? Yeah, an unpredictable president would make you feel unsafe, but I don't see how Trump is unpredictable :0


@R0seKen nonbinary is trans. like yeah, i do pass as female, but still. and like, if a president is unpredicatable, you don't feel safe.


@PhinSilver I watched some highlights of the State of The Union speech, and he didn't seem unpredictable when he spoke, just prideful and confident that he's done a lot of good for the U.S. Also I don't see how an unpredictable president would be bad,,, exactly??
I thought the military thing was only for trans people? :0
If he was only in it for the money, he wouldn't do anything for this country, just sit back and let the paychecks roll in, but he does, like the whole Iran situation, making the economy better because he's a businessman, and he understands economy, stuff like that.
And I mean
He gets attacked and hated on a lot just because he's president, why stay in that position when you can just be spoiled off of your business?


@Sammy-sunflower to add on to what my lovely bro says, he is unpredictable. at the state of the union, he acted like it was a game show. which, isn't bad, but like, definatly unprdictable also, with the homophobic thing, i can't join the military when im older, as im nonbinary.
yeah, he probably does want money.


- How does he lie exactly? Like his promises? What he says in his speeches?
-The Quid Pro Quo thing was a total sham i'm gonna be honest, the dude from Ukraine didn't even know anything about money being involved, and Trump was super transparent when people were suspicious about it, when people asked for him to make the transcript of the call public, he showed it a day later
-How is he racist?
-How is he sexist?
-That,,, isn't a valid reason,,
-If all he wanted was money he wouldn't work as hard as he does for the country. And he's a rich dude, he basically already gains a ton of money and has more than he needs
-He's not though. You know how it's illegal to be gay in Middle Eastern countries? His administration launched an overseas campaign to stop that, decriminalize it. Doesn't seem very homophobic to me.
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@R0seKen yeah, it is a good idea, it's kinda a pointless war. It's dragged on longer than I have been alive. and, yeah, it is good to be prepared
3. as a short person, i hate big things


@PhinSilver 1. I say we could always use more military, there's a lot of countries rivaling the U.S., like China, or terrorist groups, it's better to be prepared. Spending did increase 2010 and 2011 under the Obama administration, but it started decreasing after that every year by 15 percent, i'm also talking about how he pulled out soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, bad idea.
3. Why should economy stop growing? I think the bigger it is the better


@R0seKen lets see here

- he lies
- did bad things that were proven with Ukraine
- he is racist
- he is sexsist
- hair bad
- all he wants is money
- pretty sure he is homophobic

and thats why we need someone else in office
the beginning of the list
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@R0seKen nah, politics isn't the only thing that has to be to define someone. and this is a drawing website, so like...
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@tearexz I see where you're coming from, usually when people are talking about a topic I don't know a lot about, I kinda just listen and learn
And yeah that sucks too, arguing usually can easily turn hostile, but that just depends on the people talking


@Sammy-sunflower - Well for one he's made the U.S. a lot more powerful country in the world today, like building up our military again
- He's a republican and has a lot of the same values as I do, like limited government
- In general he's done a lot of good for the U.S., like how the economy's booming and unemployment at an all time low

Now answer me this
Why do you think Trump is bad?


@R0seKen why do you support him. 3 reaons why


@Sammy-sunflower Why is Trump bad though? I'm a trump supporter so i'm curious :0


@tearexz Oh god no dude, your opinions are your opinions, not who you are entirely
Honestly you don't have to know a bunch about it tbh, it's your choice, I like learning about it cuz though I may get nervous, it's fun to argue?? For me at least


all i know is trump bad