

*old timey tv narrator voice* "We now return to your "them bitches gay" special programming. In response to this post here: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/m2rod5 our onion has decided to make a unexpected showing of physical affection! How will Dexter react to this?! Will he actually listen to Xander for once and shut the fuck up? Will he not listen and make a smartass comment that may or may not result in a good ol' slap in the face? Or will he still not listen, make a heartfelt comment, but still may or may not get slapped in the face? Who the hell knows because that's up for @XEclipse to decide in the end. (Hopefully) tune in next time on "No Homo" !" Ok but all in seriousness I'm sorry for not updating sooner! I knew I wanted to push this further and make a short "scene" out of this rather than just one frame. But when I tried looking for references, they were a real bitch to find for what I had in mind. Anyway, hope yall and @XEclipse like this! Again I did use references for all frames, but there were a ton of them in total and some were not exactly "site appropriate" to send a link to, so...yeah lol

This animation is a continuation of:
"Why do you care?"
  • Published May 20, 2020, 13:02
  • in Whirlpool
  • in 6. oc stuff
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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