WHY ARE YALL SOOOOO IGNORANT WHEN SOMEONE TELLS U TO STOP USING THEIR CULTURE TO MOOCH OFF OF AND USE AS A "RARE AESTHETIC!!" OR GATEKEEP A CULTURE THAT AINT EVEN YOURRRSS.. like im talking to yal anime fans too, if you gatekeep anime you're a loser deadass though. cause imagine trying to gatekeep a part of a culture you aren't even associated in.. good LORD some of yall hard headed as HELLLL..
lmao ppl got me all types of pressed today cause.. yeah
@drumcat kkdrumcat
@Simblime is oldSimblime
no worky workySimblime
no work ;-;JoeyTheDestroyer
@drumcat skill issuedrumcat
@JoeyTheDestroyer i upgrade to premiere proJoeyTheDestroyer
wevideo momentGreenHoodiedAnimator
@drumcat np npdrumcat
@GreenHoodiedAnimator thx :DGreenHoodiedAnimator
sick editCodex
@Codex YEZZZCodex