Man... I miss yall

By _J_M_

Like seriously...
I miss all of y’all... I’m ngl, I originally left to go to flipanim so I could improve my drawing skills, as, while this place is nice and all. It’s extreemly easy to use, which makes it difficult to improve on I suppose... because it doesn’t feel like a challenge to use...
but also...
The place seems... really inactive...
And I miss the strange things that would unfold in my comment sections.
I also just miss y’all In general. The community here is so nice.
I’m not leaving this place. I can say that. But I dunno about my own activity on here.
I usually post more frequently if others pay attention or post more frequently...
So yeah.
Just wanted to say that.
Y’all have all been some pretty big motivators to actually try and make something big out of myself.

  • Published Published April 07, 2020, 22:55
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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