the voice acting so far in Subnautica Below Zero.
//spoilers up ahead. I forgot to mention that in my last SBZ post :')//
I absolutely LOVE Robin and Sam's personalities. Their voices accompany that, too. Robin, without reading her background on the PDA, just sounds like the younger, more open-minded "I love animals" sister. Sam sounds a like the formal, more mature, "don't get me into trouble" sister. And hearing them interact is so cute,,,,
Then Maxim. He sounds..... terrifying lmao. Not rude, he's just doing his job. I kinda like his voice. I just dislike the cliché loud commander voice. That's all I dislike though. He's just, uh, abitofaprick
Lastly, Al-An (Alan). okay his voice is just yes. so much yes. i have a thing for any foreign creature having a deep, demanding-but-not-really voice. Well, he *is* an alien. He's part of a species that's much more intelligent than the boring human. You'd expect a formal attitude from the creature. His tone of voice helps have that feeling too. And I remember from some of his conversations with Robin, he actually had some more emotion to his voice.
"It is uncomfortable. Return me." Alan was obviously disturbed and bothered by being inside a human's mind. I mean, I don't blame him. "Return me to the sanctuary!" He actually sounded a little bit pissed off at Robin. The way he said 'sanctuary'.. He said it in a low voice. As if he's actually annoyed. And to which Robin replied, "So you can trap me again? No." Thats,,,, a good I interaction between the two. iloveit-
anyway,,, another example is his fucking sarcasm towards Robin. "You were more polite when we first met." "Yeah, process that." "I will try." he,,, literally ,,, did process that onto the PDA. What a smartass. "Are you... can you read my thoughts?!" "Do humans think?" beautiful.
Ok I'm done fangirling about this game and it's characters bye
I love this vine