alternate universe me explained


so basically this guy is alternate universe me fights pretty well mainly uses his fists hidden power(s?) (hint: wristbands) his scarf is made from a rubbery fabric that holds its form so that it isn't damaged easily in combat and is a bit more flexible than rubber. the scarf was custom-made and passed down through generations of fighters, once said to be worn and used by a knight known for saving the world from destruction. some say it is capable of granting the user powers of unfathomable might once the user has shown great potential and competence. until the day comes that alternate universe me can unlock those powers, he will remain an ordinary stickman with pretty good fighting skills. his best friend and rival is this guy they used to train together as kids and developed fighting styles that make up for what the other lacks, so they are almost unstoppable when they're fighting together. also this is for drumcat

  • Published July 15, 2021, 04:42
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in ocs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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