Sometimes I feel like I'm toxic.


Dunno man I've been called a narcasistic person before by more than just my mom. Almost twice but yeah that's still a lot for me. What's more Is I know I can be dangerous. I know damn well I am. Sometimes I feel like I'm toxic and I don't like it. I don't like where I am right now. Right now I thought I'd have a sucsessfull love life and family life. Although I guess success is each owns definition. For me success means health and happy Ness. I'm to jealous I think. The moment there's a threat posing to my status with a person I break down and hide. Scuttle to my little hole. Like I almost completely give up and just start crying or breaking down. I guess that's better than lashing put in anger or defense. Even in school sometimes I argue just to get at people. Like when I got bullied for being trans I bullied back. So badly the dude felt sad. But nobody else saw it. Nobody else thought I was in the wrong because I was bullying with facts. Sometimes I get to butthurt or snappy. And I hate telling people when they hurt me for the most part. Sometimes I feel like I'm toxic. I know I'm a toxic bitch to my mom. That's a fact.

  • Published July 12, 2020, 19:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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