Sooooooo i was stalking Anadroj-B-J and i came across a ref sheet that represents her irl so im like imma do this so i did it creds to her this was her idea ;))))))))) yeah this is essentially how i look like irl but most of u probably know how i look like cuz i did a face reveal a while back (however that photo is pretty old tho) also yeah thats how my hair is ive dyed it a lot and in the end it ended up becoming this weird shade of dark brown and platinum blonde i guess??
1) My music taste ranges from the lightest piano music to the most brutal dubstep
2) My first language wasn't English it was Hungarian i had to learn English in school
3) Since my parents are from Transylvania kids back in elementary school thought I was a vampire
4) I FUCKING hate needles
5) Ive been in an online relationship before unfortunately
6) I am the literal spitting image of my Dad all down to the personality
7) My middle name is Sophie but im not revealing my real name sorry *v*
8) Despite my main oc Xavi loving alcohol I myself seriously despise it (yes ive tried it)
9) I started drawing about 10 to 11 years ago and my grandmother taught me
10) I went through a serious FNAF phase...
11) Since I used to be so hyper as a kid in elementary school other kids and people thought i had mental issues
12) I had a crush on someone for a year and a half (yeah i had no life)
13) I used to suffer from sleep paralysis but grew out of it
14) I can get pretty pissed off very fast i guess u can call me a hothead
15) Ive never moved (houses) once in my life
16) My initials r BS thanks mom and dad :)
17) I listen to horror stories whenever i draw on here
18) I freak out if someone bites a Kit Kat the wrong way
****Note this isnt my main OC ref sheet Xavi is still gonna be my online persona just thought id clear that up****