

the benefits of being in each position of a three way spoon cuddle: Bottom Spoon: -You get hugged by both people at the same time -You get to hold both hands of the other 2 at the same time -It's the most comfy spot (My opinion bc of the hugx2) Middle Spoon: -You get hugged by the top -You get to hug the bottom -You can whisper sweet nothings into the ear of the bottom -You can hold the hand of the bottom -You can play with the bottoms hair Top Spoon: -You get to hug both of the fellow cuddlers -You get to hold the hand of the bottom -You can whisper sweet nothings into the ear of the middle -You can bap the bottoms face and they can't do anything about it without ruining the cuddle -You can play with both cuddlers hair and yeah. if you got anything else about benefits do comment so i can add it to the list

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