The Bear Had Acid In His Honey Pot


OKAY, I WILL EXPLAIN THIS SHIZZ. "the bear had acid in his honey pot" is a lyric from the song Usher pt. 3 from the musical Ghost Quartet. Ghost Quartet is a musical containing 4 intertwining plotlines of multiple people and their reincarnates/souls/ghosts and its BONKERSSSS. The main thing of it all is a person named Rose whose hubby The Astronomer cheated on her with her sister, Pearl. Rose seeks revenge on them by going to a bear (?????) and requesting the bear maul him and turn her into a crow. In exchange, the bear asks for a pot of honey, a piece of stardust, a secret baptism, and a photo of a ghost. To get the secret baptism, the reincarnate of rose steals a child from The House of Usher (based on Edgar Allan Poes The Fall of the House of Usher) And the house of Usher is a timeline explore in a good few songs, namely Usher part 1 2, and 3. In Usher pt 3, a few of the stories intertwine in a way here's why In this song, the reincarnate of Pearl is pushed onto the track in front of the train by the man referred to as the pusher, who is the reincarnate of the bear. Additionally, right before the moment, Pearl is playing a game on her phone where she's trying to defeat a bear. and FURTHERMORE, right before she's hit by the train, the reincarnate of Rose takes a picture of her with a camera *for the bear* (as I said before she needs this among other items for revenge in another timeline) uuuuuuuh so yeah thats all I jus rlly like this show 👉 👈 If you're a fan of musicals and nontraditional musical styles and also a lack of rhyming schemes, you should check out Ghost Quartet again its INSANE (the song)

  • Published January 16, 2021, 18:35
  • in Still Waters
  • in Drawings
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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