Gosh darn my hubris


I'm apparently feeling a touch of narcissism combined with the urge to perform. Please excuse me... https://voca.ro/1iojADpXtfYH https://voca.ro/1jq8aw9naoYU https://voca.ro/1gzHiuDq9tIS https://voca.ro/15Ek4n0mL3q4 I know the lyrics to this, but that dang second verse always gets me tongue tied. Anyway, I'm keeping this in because I deserve to be embarrassed. https://voca.ro/1nLYEdEXDf4i https://voca.ro/14R513X68eEu https://voca.ro/1iptvXM4ZQtq https://voca.ro/1ojVm1a8oWxD Also I am aware my voice is a bit flat. I've never had training and it definitely shows...

  • Published December 31, 2022, 14:58
  • in The Swamp
  • in Music
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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