My heart has been shattered


Any Legend of Kora fans out there? Dont you hate it how throught the whole series Kora and her boyfriend continusly break up and make up. I mean I know there going off of realistic teen drama but jeesus christ everytime there about to have a fight I get a heart attack. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Did it not just stab through you when she lost most of her memory, forgetting she broke up with Mako. So she runs up to him and gives him a big kiss and hug looking up at him with big blue eyes and a innocent smile. And Mako pretends like nothing happens? THINGS WERE FINE THEN But like at the end they broke up again because she remembered- And there break up was admitting they will always love each other. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? I swear If Mako dates Asami one more fucking time- PICK ONE AND PICK KORA BECAUSE YOU LOVE HER

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