so, i'm leaving drawn because i have no point to be on here and it makes me feel bad that i can't post quality artwork or animations on here. this is my decision entirely, and i feel that i will benefit from not having this website be in my way anymore. when i first started this account on here, i got addicted and i want to break that addiction of having to go on here all the time. about the rank sushi i wanted to mention:
1. sushi used to mean a lot to me, but now i realise that it doesn't matter. i don't need a rank to tell me i'm good at art, because i should be confident enough in myself to know that.
2. if you really want to say something that'll make my day just wish me goodbye or dont say anything or something.. idk
if you need more reasons of why i'm leaving, here:
1. i don't find this site fun anymore (TO ME)
2. some people i don't enjoy seeing on this site and its a bit toxic for me
3. i hate this account and everything on it
4. this place honestly just makes me depressed and it reminds me of the horrible things on toonator and on the internet
5. i feel like i'm pressured into making good art
6. some people are rude and i don't want to deal with that
7. HONESTLY some of the people on here are SO annoying and i just want to end my life listening to them,,
i want to thank the people who like my art, but i didn't make any real friends on here and i'm not going to thank any of the people i talk to because i really don't need to... it probably hurts but they aren't my real friends, i look back at the relationships and its just cringey and a bit dumb. sorry,
but i guess.. i should thank you for the support? like with my art and blah blah blah
also, i've unblocked the people that i've blocked because then they can get a chance to see this. they probably won't know i blocked them but whatever i guess. (i only blocked 2 people and they were rude and annoying and insulted many people)
if you've blocked me: thanks. thanks for making me feel like i'm rude and i know who you are if you've blocked me because i can tell by if i can go onto your account or not.
i didn't even do anything to you??? so like okay
and last point i want to make:
this website has benefited me in art and animation, and i am grateful for that. now that i've learned all that i need to, i'm moving on. you all can continue enjoying this site, but my journey is OVER, and i'm glad!
leaving is making me feel free, and i feel like a weight has lifted off of me.
i hope you understand, and don't miss me.
again, if you want to say something, just say bye or something
and, ted, thank you so much for supporting me.
and now, i shall depart. goodbye, drawn.
and goodbye, depression.