Am I good enough for Sushi??
Me: Yeah, I think I am!!
Other people: Ye--- you know what, no. Work harder.
My self-doubt: You never will be. Face it, you'll be Minnow forever.
Me: Cries
ehh,, I still don't think I am good enough... although, of course it's for the mods to decide. Do any of you Sushi peeps have any advice for becoming Sushi or anything???? ;-; I don't think my chances of getting Sushi is very high...
Oh, also, to get Sushi, do I literally just ask?? Or do the mods just... make you Sushi?? I know that Sugr!Kube said that they just made her Sushi without an explanation... so. I am much confused. Help me??
@Twiilight thx B)Twiilight
"after you get out of school"idk why but that was funny to me lol
Also your flipanim art of kokoro was epic