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i am honestly on the verge of tears i try my best coming up with my own choreography to fit the song i'm doing and i work really hard i even work when i was at home in the middle of the night and yeah i submitted my notes late at 11 : 49 pm but i did them and yeah i did look up some moves to put in it because i was running out of ideas but god damn it!! i am still putting in the work to learn how to do these stupid move and i get an email back from my teacher talking about i did it wrong and my dance isnt original and since i turned it in late i get a 50 ... A FUCKING 50 ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!! i have been busting my ass on this damn dance i went from a group project to working by myself because my group member moved schools im ltterally giving up im done with the dance im done with the class

  • Published May 20, 2021, 13:22
  • in Kiddie Pool
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  • is not continuable by others
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