happy pride

By teapup

people need to stfu i don't care about jesus or any of that shit take your bible and jump off a cliff LGBTQ+ PEOPLE DESERVE RIGHTS AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO TAKE THOSE RIGHTS AWAY FROM THEM. WHO GIVES A SHIT IF ITS A "SIN" ITS A MIS-TRANSLATE ANYWAY DUMB BITCH GET IN LINE.
jesus christ people are dumb and lgbtq+ people should stay proud because you deserve to live and you are loved. don't listen to those fucking assholes.
also, if your a straight ally, ily

no homo

  • Published Published June 17, 2020, 14:06
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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