guess who


a quiet but obnoxious girl who may always try and see the good in everything but cannot see the good inside herself, she uses her friends to get what she wants subconsciously without realizing what harm it causes her family, friends, and peers. she has a hard time retaining and recalling simple information like addition and subtraction equations and even her name. she does nothing but sit it the eastern corner of the table talking to her friends on the computer that she feels is her second family. she shows almost no gratitude towards her father due to how he's treated her poorly more often that nicely, when he does something that is nice she takes it for granted, and forgets it emmediantly after. she loves her mother but will give her the hand when she compliments her, and when she compliments her brothers she will complain to her mother that she never compliments her. she can't go one day without seeing blood coming from her face or arms or knees. she is overweight and horribly self-conscious. she has had a horrible past with voices going through her head and refuses to acknowledge them anymore but she can still hear faint ones, her ears constantly itch and ring which irritates her and makes her rip them to shreds. she hates being known as other than nice when she knows she isn't always the nicest person in the world.

  • Published December 01, 2019, 18:14
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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