

walk its not perfect but better than my old attempts i feel like stikbot studio2.0 tutorials have taught me more about animating walking than anything else has and i dont know how maybe because they get you to actually do it and let you use a ghost/oinion skin thing of their thing to base yours on idk i would recommend you download stikbot studios 2.0 its free and has some good tutorials and things for stop motion animation i would also recommend buying a stikbot but you dont have to and if i recommend anymore things from zing this is probally gonna sound like an advertizment if it doesnt already also this animation was made at like 1am so that might be why its kinda bad

  • Published March 06, 2022, 00:17
  • in The Swamp
  • in old
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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