i havent drawn anything on here in a while because the editor is hard for me to use and also i havent been doing serious art pieces in 800 years but i present to you my collection of shitty msp doodles of funny space boy (sona) and magic sock man (also a sona). also some other stuff because shrug/
me and my stupid friend:
ok these 3 pictures are in order because it reads like a comic strip but i cba to put it all into one drawing
this one reads like a comic too but once again i cant give enough shits to format it into one drawing
so in conclusion i only draw shitposts 24/7 in msp and i make funny comics to share with my loser friends
@TheNightblade Cool! I just looked him up and his art is really beautiful!!Nightblade
@Mr_Mister regular apple any day@-weirdperson- spacehamster
fav youtuber?Mr_Mister
apple juice or regular appleNightblade
@FERMI favorite character is gir and favorite game is kirby super star babYYYYLOSER
How much do you love meeeeaahahashfffu kidding kidding Pop Team Epic reference uhhhhhh favorite character of all time, video game or otherwise?Nightblade
@Awkward__Artist painting@Crisp Yomawari. easily. also bug fables
What video game do you think is underrated and needs more love?Awkward__Artist
What's a hobby/skill you've always wanted to pick up on but just never had the time/tools?Nightblade
@Athena97 James LeeAthena97
Who is your favourite artist that isn't on Drawn?GoldenScales
@TheNightblade aight cool. :)Nightblade
@Abstract_Animations ye we like each other a lotGoldenScales
ok, for staters, i want to know your relationship between you and BCM. are you friends? dating? its a question ive had for as long as i have been on here. :)