the contest of corruption


HELLO!!!! WE MEET AGAIN! i haver had the idea of an abomination contest! what is an abomination contest you ask? well, what this contest consists of is take one of your oc's, and TWIST them to make them the most horrifying, gross, wierd, or corrupted. MuHA HAH A H AHAHAh! but seriously tho, ok the rules are simple: 1. make youer oc wierd! it does not matter what you make it, as long as it is twisted in some way. may use all the colors you wish to use, also blending and scales is ok. 3. please post your subbmission in the coments and i will put them into a favorites folder. 4. this contest id due by march 10th 5.the prizes: 1st: a picture fully colored and gifted of your choice 2nd: a plastic tropy on any of your animations 3rd: i dont know. suggest somthing. good luck! i hope your creations turn out as horrifying as i imagine! MUAHAHAHA HAHA A h aa.

  • Published February 17, 2020, 11:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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