A Quick Announcement!


Before I hop off, I wanna clarify some things since I just came back- I identify as demipan and genderfluid. I use he/she pronouns, and my masculine name is Jay. Feel free to use either he, she, Jay, or Piper when referring to me! And demipan, for those who don't know, it means demisexual panromantic. Demisexuality is when you only feel sexually attracted from a personal bond. It is not being straight. Everyone isn't demisexual. Before assuming things, just ask yourself this: Do you identify as that sexuality? Do you have a college degree on pure knowledge of that term? Are you 100% accurate all the time? If any of these are a no, don't talk down to people for being themselves. It's not a microterm, or whatever its called, it's just part of a spectrum. For those who need to know what panromantic and genderfluid means: Panromantic means I am attracted to people regardless of their gender. I do not care what gender they are, I only care about their personality. Genderfluid, as stupid as it may come off as, means my gender may and will shift based on my mood. If you are curious, I will let you know which pronouns I would like you to use at that time. Most of the time, I'm alright with both he and she, but sometimes I only want he. Sometimes I only want she. Please understand that you're not the only people who know this, and some people I've told have not taken it lightly. I don't care what you may think, but the person which i'm talking about is who I look to for guidance, so I may doubt myself about my identity. Two more things I'd like to say: My sexuality may change since I don't have much experience besides a single long-distance relationship. I'm not 100% on it. The last thing I wanted to say: My bday is on December 14! :D Exactly 8 days from now. (It's past midnight tho lol)

  • Published December 06, 2020, 00:28
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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21amgy bebe
im on pc
aight, im out-