why couldnt i be blessed with sober parents.
im gonna lose everything because of them. what if i die of a drug overdose. what if everyone leaves me again. what if i get isolated again.
who the fuck decided withdrawal was a good idea. who the fuck let this happen. who the fuck can i blame. i need to blame somebody. i love everybody else too much.
why couldnt i be the fucking abortion huh?? god i love them but i never asked to parent my siblings. i never asked to raise 2 kids with autism. i never wanted to be in a situation where i take drugs to save their lives.
"youre selfish" who the fuck. wouldnt be. who wouldnt want to die here., give me 1 fucking name. 1 fucking reason why i shouldnt want to die when ive been in this nonstop shitshow since i was 3.
oh and zoom and brightspaceJaheim
@ilyasTN youtube and drawn. dats it lolilyas
whats in ur browser history @jaheim12Jaheim
@Kirbo ok im stupid.Kirbo_
@jaheim12 histroy is just ctrl+HJaheim
thats probably the whole point of it lmaoJaheim
aha i took me to my history and it said ctrl+search+H again lolKirbo_
@ilyasTN lolilyas
so brightilyas