So, me and my dad went to the store. On the way there, I noticed people driving more... sporadically. Anyways, we arrive, hardly any parking, but we managed. We go inside and practically EVERY shelf for food is empty. There was no toilet paper or hand sanitizer. Almost no milk, cheese or any other dairy products or meat. The produce section was almost cleared out. No bananas at all. Everyone's shopping carts were full. We only came to get birthday cake and a few other things, so we kind of stuck out. Anyways, it was crazy. Practically no flour, Cheezits, or... dare i say... bread *mini sob* We managed to make it out alive. Just wanted those to know how crazy it is.
My mom also told me that the library she works at and a lot of other libraries are almost cleared out.
@zachy-chan FSHSUYZBFBSHD buildings scare me tho lmFAOZacky-Chan
You could be an architect, your so good at making buildings hjhgkhjhkjkTheMemeist
I love thatBuffedDoggo!!
ee thank you soBSRANDOMGIRL4
Holy shitThat's beautiful !