Now, I'm not one to do this, but...

By Frost

It's time I give you my perspective, and my best advice as possible (from experience, and friends words). This is going to be split in to categories, so prepare for lots of reading. "H" not "A" relationship: Now, this is where both partners support one another, rather than just one taking care of another. This is where the other isn't taken advantage of, whether the helped one isn't noticing, the other may be getting exhausted. "H" is where there is equality, trust, honesty... good communication, especially this, support, of course, but not over the top. What you must also do in this relationship is most importantly take care of *YOURSELF*. Only YOU can build your own strength, and confidence. You as a human being do not have to constantly rely on another, but yourself because you are just as worthy as your partner. Self Love: I know most students in my school do not do this task. They're mostly dating people because they want to feel as if they're worthy. They are, yet they're ignoring this. Not throwing anything out to anybody with beliefs, but you know that the only unconditional love is The Lord's, right? Now, not saying you're wrong, but there's another existence that can give just as much unconditional love, and that is *YOURSELF*. Loving yourself can make you unbreakable, if a relationship were to end. It can make you unbreakable if anything could go wrong. Your self love is hella worthy, and just as worthy as someone else's... but way, WAY better. If you and your partner have self love, your relationship with sky rocket, and trust me.. self love is the path to be taken. Get to know them, and be grateful no matter the situation: I'm always told to be grateful, and present in this very moment, and to not wish my life away. And that's where this section comes in handy. I always fantasized about dating my best friend from the 4th grade. We got together freshman year, but she admitted she only dated me out of sympathy from knowing me for so long. That was absolutely heart breaking.. but out of that, I had wished, and wished our years to go by to finally admit my feelings. Being grateful that someone is currently your friend, is the best feeling. Just because they could possibly not feel the same way and reject you doesn't mean you have to be mad at yourself or them. It just means that no matter what, if they're your friend be glad you're receiving their friendship. No making plans for the future, no wishing you're already an adult. None of that. Not even daydreaming that you married one another. If you're friends, then well you're friends and that's that. No wasting time in your head as a "couple", but rather "We're still friends, and that's just as much as I could ask for". Trust me, this is the best option rather than jumping right into it. Red Flags: Red flags can be: abuse, physical and/or verbal, clingyness... and a bunch more possibly. If your partner constantly "needs", but actually wants your company/ attention you either give in and give it to em', or your man up and confront them saying sometimes you need alone time/space. That's your choice, that is up to you.. make the right decision. If you abuse, or are being abused (hitting, yelling, etc.) you either give in, keep doing, or run away. If you're hitting and your partner runs away, don't go after them just let them go. If you're the one getting hit, do not stay there. Go to your parents, or a friends house. Tell them what happened, and never return to your ex partner. And an add on to this section: liars. It's pretty easy to fall for these people. If they tell you lies, the only way to pick up on those are with your own trust for yourself, your gut, and instincts. Good luck my fellow drawn users, I hope this helped you.

  • Published July 14, 2020, 09:46
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in **Advice**
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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