Day 7


So far I have kept with this journal, since I have no one else to turn to. Yes, I do have a singular friend, Garryn Torrinosce, but he and I are not as close as you would think. We do not speak of things correlating to our personalities or backgrounds much, but mostly of trivial things like spells and our peers. Speaking of peers, I haven't seen the Entoliado girl again, much to my dismay. I'd like to speak with her, for she seems rather lovely.
Also upon the topic of peers, Harry Devenson, the school golden boy, with a very high mana level. I detest him dearly and we do not... connect. Other than his fist in my face, of course. He is rather mean, and I cannot specify the reason why. He just is.

Anywho, we went to Dr. Phaegan's Doctrine, Healing, and Scrying class today which was rather enticing. I took about four pages of notes, which the other students deemed extra, but I'd like to know what I'm doing. I suppose I'll practice more tonight after lights-out since I can make a decent wyrdlight. I may need to talk to Dr. Phaegan later to completely understand the statim gelida potion, which stuns a person after the liquid has touched their lips, the length of the stunning relating upon how much they drink. It is very helpful and I'd like to find a counterspell before Harry learns how to make it.

Dr. Phaegan has a large scrying disc which is a pure marble table with a large purple gem in the middle acting as a mirror to the purple-tinted Other, from the color of the gem. It is incredibly interesting, but we students were not allowed to go near the gem in case a demon got interested and poked its head into class, which greatly disturbed our conscience.

That is all,
Jeremy Baker

  • Published Published January 10, 2019, 17:46
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Diary of Jeremy Baker
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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