I still find it kinda funny


As always, The topic is political, so there's the trigger warning. It's outpaced and irrelevant politics, but still politics nonetheless. Hi guys, Box Anon here. I just remembered that time That people got mad when Trump refused to pass the "Covid-Relief" bill, that, Was worth trillions, but would only give Americans about 600 dollars if I'm not misremembering the number. He declined passing the bill because too much of it was going to foreign aid, Military projects in foreign countries, and other arbitrary programs, in foreign countries. essentially, this bill that, on its face seemed to be for the American people, wasn't actually helping the American people, as It gave far too little of the funding to them. Now, Personally, I disagree with the relief bills, as, well, the government just handing out money has never been a good thing, as they tend to make taxpayers foot the bill. But, I also understand that nearly a year of an economy ruined by a pandemic, might not be any more stable without the bill, so, I didn't really mind the idea of giving relief packages to help stimulate the economy. But when most of the money doesn't actually go into the US economy, I have an issue. Anywho, thanks for reading this rant. I Hope you Have a wonderful today and tomorrow!

  • Published March 31, 2021, 17:45
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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