Mama Mia (desc)


So Appearently my mom kinda hates people with Adhd/ cant handle them. This is why my stepdad told me to come to him with my problems. She wont even listen to me. Obviously. My 'brain' dysfunctions arent valid for her even though she had past proof I acted this way in the past. Guess she dosent remember. Ik she gets really bothered by Ryan with it too, where not allowed to fidget or anything like that because 'It can be fixed if you just stop fidgeting, what are you!? A todler!?" No Im a fifteen year old boy who needs some help. At least peter is like "Hey man,, Find out what works for you, please do it quickly though because,, 30 overdues is alot." Its not 30 now its 18 but whatever hhh

  • Published September 17, 2020, 19:29
  • in The Swamp
  • in Rants Rants Rants
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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