ART TRADES!!! [desc]


Hello! so I know art-fight is happening right now, and i don't have an art fight account, nor do i participate, but i still want to exchange art with people this month! So, i am opening art trades for users on drawn! anyone can join. if you want examples of my art, just go to my account and check one of my folders. im not sure how many i can do, but ill take as many as people ask. (one per person though.) so yeah! comment if you want to do an art trade! trades i will do: sketch trade linart trade headshot bust halfbody fullbody any other ideas you guys have just let me know in the comments what type of art trade you desire to do! and i encourage you guys to trade with eachother if you so choose! thanks for reading! have a great night yall! pls trade wif meh :D

  • Published July 04, 2023, 23:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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