Hate it when this happens


Okayyy so my brain still jas that trigger its annoying. Basicly I'm very sound sensitive and loud noises tend to frighten me. But there are sounds that do more than that. Ive been in a pretty good mood lately because of my loving boyfriend of course and I dont like to have to constantly have somthibg up. Anywhoo a certian sounds ended up playing on my radio randomly and very loudly. My radio is old so this iis normal but I really really hate these sounds. Luckily my body didnt fucking break down, my wrists didnt start to tremble there was no uncontrollable crying just fear. This feeling will go away in time im glad I didnt just mentally breakdown anyways ive been looking over my shoulder ever few minutes now mmm

  • Published September 23, 2020, 21:29
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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