mr carl ref for @x story


he's the PE teacher and all.
he doesn't know what a shirt is, and even if he did it wouldn't be able to fit his super muscular body.
he cannot talk quietly, he has a really booming voice.
he loves cute things and the color pink.
he always wears a little flower behind his ear.
hes bald
he's really energetic too and loves to workout during free time.
he also really loves to bake.
he's easily distracted and is also easily hurt. (he overreacts a lot)
he packs these small adorable lunches for himself, which always contains a smoothie, along with other things.
because he yells a lot, even though he can't help it, kids pull really mean pranks on him.
he learned some serious martial arts, so occasionally that shines through.
he keeps a small little retro tv in his house.
i might think of more later

name// carl
height// 6'7"
weight// 180 lbs of pure muscle
age// rather not say

  • Published Published February 12, 2020, 11:20
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Hidden Hidden from users
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road wtf this looks really good