spore is the most


unstable game that i have EVER played. its fun though... like rlly rlly fun. Just crashes a lot. Like, a few mins ago, i was making a modded creation. I was very proud of it too. It was almost completely covered with fur and pompoms. it was a cutie.
Then the game crashed. I figured since I saved it a while ago, that it would let me edit it. Nope. Now it crashes EVERYTIME I try to click on it- Which means I cannot delete it. I have no clue if it'll show up during the actual gameplay. I hope not lol
I mean I still have its design fresh in my head so... theres always art that can be done.
Still- Spore is a VERY crashy and unstable game lol

  • Published Published May 11, 2019, 17:21
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Spore
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 2

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@sugr!kube It's worse with mods. I have to save it CONSTANTLY.


oh god yes it crashes a lott lol