Backstory 3: WildFlowers


The day after finding the black-eyed Susan, Phin went to find the Wildflowers. They had heard some things from neighbors about the good the Wildflowers were doing. They were trying to build things back up. Phin looked around a bit, going towards the Downtown area. A few decades ago, part of mainstreet had been replaced by a bricked mall. Along it were many shops. ON the end closer to Phin's house, there was a giant Pavillion, where concerts used to take place. Phin walked by the Pavillion, looking for any signs of anything remotely flowery. They headed down the Mall, hand gripping the clarinet case filled with rocks. There had been some violence, and Phin liked to always carry some sort of weapon to defend themself. Then, Phin saw a person they recognized from school. Nother kid. Phin saw that she had a floer tucking baack behind an ear. Phin thought it would probably be a person to talk to. "Hey Addison!!" shouted Phin "Oh, phin!! Hi! " said Addison, blinking "Are you a wildflower?" asked Phin "yeah. We'veactually been looking for you to join,"said Addison "Oh why?" asked Phin "Apparently you're good at managing things," said Addison "Not really, I tend to just yell,"said Phin "Yeah. but you can work on it. right now, we justneed members,"said Addison "Well, sure,"said Phin

  • Published February 28, 2020, 14:08
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Backstory
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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