a totally epic not a joke accurate crueltytale fanfic by ya boi, rookie uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwu

dimentio summons clones of himself and gives them a command. a herd of dimentio's trample thousands of useless background characters nobody gives a fuck about as they run towards jevil. the planet rumbles. the ground shakes. jevil turns around to see thousands and millions of dimentio's standing behind him. jevil's face is blank. jevil summons his devilsknife and a murders them all, one by one, until he gets down to one last dimentio. the two of them stand still and look at each other, their soulless eyes do not move, they do not even blink. jevil drops the devilsknife and bitch slaps the shit out of dimentio. dimentio falls to the ground and jevil stands in front of his weak body, jevil speaks one line;

"bitch ass moterfucker", as they both get thanos snapped by creator, and they both fade to dust.

  • Published Published April 24, 2019, 14:17
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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skill issue