

lately i've had a couple experiences that really made me sit back and think about how much the internet has actually affected me and the impact it has had on my life as a whole i dont really have a place to put my ponderings so this place is as good as any I think i can speak confidently when i say the internet has exposed many people to very odd and anomalistic experiences that really should've never happened or even be conceived, i was absolutely no exception to this i think in a way, no matter how old you are, you will always be too young for the online atmosphere (sorry immortals) the internet has done plenty of good for me, but also probably much much worse in comparison. i was not ready for the internet when i was ten, nor was i ready when i was fifteen, nor seventeen, and now still at nineteen i catch myself falling into more odd internet experiences when im really just trying to go about my day doing something that i love Toonator was a brutal experience for me as a ten year old, some of you might not know what Toonator is and honestly im kinda relieved. Toonator exposed me to things nobody should ever have to witness, it was like a mini twitter except with a concentrated group of people I hate Tooonator, it quite literally ruined me for two years, but also i commend Toonator for helping me turn into the artist i am today i really just am screaming into the ether but if you have any odd internet experiences or stories you would like to share and discuss, feel free to in the comments!

  • Published June 17, 2024, 16:32
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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