You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@rookie p l e a s erookie
@Vintagemask ,Vintagemask
@rookie no fair just t e l l m e howrookie
@Vintagemask i just didrookie
@HeartlessDraws yeah and thats all there isVintagemask
@rookie how did you use your font for your name??? ??? ?HeartlessDraws
YES IT WAS, @rookierookie
@HeartlessDraws its a blakc blob with handwriting on it yesHeartlessDraws
i saw something B)rookie
@Vintagemask @HeartlessDraws you see nothingVintagemask
lol im sobbing because my snaggy did not come up and then I saw heartlesses cp and im soobbbinnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfgggggg-gggggggHeartlessDraws