

I just accidentally posted an animation and I did not mean to. And as you know, the name was a little inappropriate, (I give my drafts weird names okay?!) I finished the draft version, so I decided to save it, I clearly remember that the settings were at "Save working copy" Because that is the default option. I had no idea that it was on "finalize and publish". Usually saving it takes a long time, so I decided to heat up some food. And meanwhile I was doing that, the animation was public to drawn users... But I put it in the "hidden" folder now so its no longer viewable in the main page I just want to apologize for those of you who were offended by the name or in anyway.

  • Published November 26, 2019, 20:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in My Closet
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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